We always aim to provide the best service possible. But we know that sometimes people may feel we could have acted or behaved differently. When this happens, we want to hear from you and we have a clear process if you wish to complain.
We will listen carefully and take seriously any complaints or concerns, and it is our aim to learn from and improve where we could have done better, or we got something wrong.
Making a complaint or raising a concern
To make a complaint or raise a concern please email governance@dayonetrauma.org.
Please include:
- details of what happened
- when and where the experience took place
- who was involved
- your full name, email address, home address and phone number
We will respond within three working days and confirm the next steps.
We take a common-sense approach to dealing with complaints and concerns. It may be possible to resolve some issues with a phone call. Where the complaint is extremely serious or a phone discussion does not resolve matters, we will establish an investigation.
The investigation will be undertaken by a staff member who is independent of the complaint and if that is not possible or appropriate, we will appoint a board member or other external party to investigate.
Complaints will be investigated to establish the facts by reviewing all evidence and speaking to all parties. We have a duty of care to staff who are the subject of a complaint and they will be given the opportunity to respond. We will aim to respond within 15 working days, although we reserve the right to extend this to 30 days in the case of a complex investigation. We will keep all parties updated on any delays and the reason why.
How we will respond
We will be respectful to all complainants and acknowledge their experience even if we don’t uphold the complaint. The response will cover all substantive points raised and explain clearly, and with evidence, our decision-making. The response will also include lessons learnt and any changes to policy or services we have made as a result of the complaint.
All concerns, complaints and responses are reported to the Board of Trustees.
The complaint will then be closed.
If you are still not satisfied – complaint to external regulator
If you are not content with the outcome, depending on the nature of the complaint, you can engage with the Charity Commission, as our independent regulator, or the Fundraising Regulator.
To complain to the Charity Commission: Complaints about charities - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
To complain to the Fundraising Regulator: https://www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/code.