Dear me...
Helen had a freak fall after tripping over her dog, resulting in her right leg being amputated. She had a long road to recovery and now volunteers for Day One, helping others and sharing wellbeing tips.
Dear Helen,
I’m writing this letter to tell you you’re going to be fine. It’s going to be a rocky journey- be prepared for it, but you’re stronger than you think and your friends and family are going to be an amazing source of support. Although you’ll lose a couple of friends along the way, don’t be too upset about this- they were never in for the long haul.
You might not believe it now but everything will work out in the end. You’ll move out of the flat with those stairs, which are so hard to manage, to a lovely bungalow and your neighbours will be so welcoming and friendly. You’ll also find work in mental health- supporting those who are struggling. It’s all about empowering others to be in charge of their own recovery. Don’t forget this, it’s so important for you and your recovery. Do the physio, don’t give up. You can and will walk again.
Your emotions and mental health will be all over the place for a while. This is completely natural, keep talking and things will get better. Remember, your life is yours. Don’t give up on it.
You’ll be introduced to Carley and Day One. They’ll help you to focus and move forwards, by becoming a peer support volunteer with them. This will be a light in a dark place, something so positive which comes out of something so negative and will give you the confidence to get back out there. Talking to others will also help you to realise that it’s ok to experience all the emotions you’ve been struggling with.
It’s going to be hard but you are resilient. Remember the quote that you’ve always loved-
“You don’t know how strong you can be until being strong is your only choice”
A nurse will show you their tattoo of this and it’s so true. Your life will change and you’ll feel like you again, with time. Be patient, it will happen.
Finally, don’t forget to thank the people who stick by you.
You’ve got this,
Me xx
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