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Marcus Keam

Dear me...

Marcus Keam lost both his legs from below the knee after jumping in front of a train. Since surviving his suicide attempt, he has become a volunteer to help people feel supported and less alone during recovery from catastrophic injuries.

Dear Marco,

Well done mate, you woke up.

I know you’re a little bit confused right now but it’s going to be okay. You tried to take your own life and you’ve had multiple injuries. You’ve, unfortunately, lost your legs, and I know that might seem daunting but you have one hell of a journey up ahead.

Life will get tough, and it’ll take you to your knees, but when you fall you’ll always get back up again.

This journey you’re about to embark on will be astonishing, courageous and powerful.

I bet you never expected this life, but this is how life is from now. It’ll take you on the highs of a wave, and the lows of a crashing one. You have dealt with and handled this incident like it was nothing, you’ve been extremely strong and haven’t allowed it to take over you.

You have learned so much about yourself, emotionally, mentally and physically. You managed to relearn how to walk within six weeks of your first surgery, and not a lot of people can say that.

Be proud of yourself. Cut yourself some slack.

We’re two years on and you have pulled yourself out of every rut you’ve gotten into.

I’m telling you this now kiddo, we’ve got this and it’s all going to be okay. Don’t pressure yourself to be like other people, this experience is completely individual to you.

Good luck,

From your good friend Marco

P.S. Everyone goes through their own experiences and it’s important to not compare yourself. There’s only one of you and you should all be proud of yourselves. We are powerful. We are resilient.

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