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Rob Hope

Dear me...

Rob Hope was left with serious life-changing injuries after a motorbike crash in 2018. He broke multiple bones and had his left arm amputated. After years of recovery, he discovered Day One and is a Peer Support Volunteer – giving others like him hope for the journey ahead.

Dear Rob,

I remember how you felt. You'd survived so much but we're filled with fear, pain, irritability, anger, frustration, hopelessness, vulnerability… do I need to go on? We could be here for hours if I do.

Your life changed and you began being described as having life-changing injuries - talk about an understatement. No one could comprehend the turmoil taking place inside your head, feeling so desperately alone, surrounded by your partner, family, friends, medical staff, and other people in the beds on the ward going through their own journey, but that made no difference at all.

Feeling so alone with so much time to overthink it all and let the dark thoughts creep in to cloud your mind. Where do you begin? What direction do you go? Will you be strong enough to get through this? Is life going to be worthwhile? I remember those days like I'm still beside you, me, my former self.

You couldn't take on the world. It was not worth attempting to. You did right by doing something new each day and never minimising what you did, no matter how small an achievement you may think it was. That spurred you on to achieve more and if you didn't get it first time it was OK to be kind to yourself. You are allowed to do that you know.

You didn't ask for what's happened to you. It has happened, but that's no reason to punish yourself. It took some time to learn that, but we got there in the end. Quite simply put, as you say each day, every day is just a new kind of normal and you just have to find your way of doing things. And you will find a way. Either alone, with help from others, or equipment, and this will happen for life, but your experience will grow.

And one day your story will become someone else's survival guide. You will help someone like you that needed that help from the moment their life changed.

You changed. You’ve been humbled. You’ve seen vulnerability on a scale you never imagined. You lost your mojo, your spirit was broken, you’ve cried in a doctor’s office and alone at home, but it isn't all doom and gloom. Some of these emotions you needed to get past for a better you.

You let go of the doubt in your head, you had that crippling fear that held you back, you still can't explain to others what you mean by that, it's just something that only you can understand and only you could overcome. And you did!

You climbed three of the highest peaks in England, including the highest, at night, with a crutch, missing one arm, on a leg you were meant to lose, and a metal hip, alone, and surrounded by a lightning storm. But being on the summit for a beautiful sunrise changed you into who you are today. You regained your self-worth, your pride, your spirit, and that mojo you'd lost was back.

You’ve lost a great deal, but you’ve also gained in so many ways. You’ve gained a determination that is off the chart, patience for yourself and others, empathy where you lacked it before, and you’ve learned to ask others for help. You’ve learned so much about yourself and you still are.

The person who you are is a good person, that all of the emotions, questions and fears were valid, all of the experiences have a valuable lesson and that your passions and dreams, all of these are achievable and you will find a way. You are not a hopeless case or a lost cause. You stand once again, tall and proud, looking forward in life, moving forward each day. You are a survivor, a strong human growing stronger every day, and a warrior.

The Latin phrase ‘Vincit qui ce Vincit’ is truly your description. It means ‘He conquers, who conquers himself’.

Overcoming yourself made you unstoppable. The trauma and injuries no longer define you. They are a learning experience and part of your story. But that story continues because you refused to be beaten.

I couldn't be any prouder of you than I am. You really are your granddad's grandson.

Stand sure,


Read Rob's story of recovery

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