Dear me...
Sam was involved in a serious motorbike crash resulting in his left leg being amputated below the knee. He didn’t speak with another amputee for years after his injuries. When he found out about Day One, he knew he wanted to help. Now he volunteers for Day One and helps others who have been through major trauma.
Dear Sam,
Eyup mate, got yourself in a right pickle this time haven't you?
Believe me, I know exactly how you’re feeling right now, mostly scared and confused. Things will become clearer, you have been through a great deal. Right now it’s time to heal.
I am you 10 years from now and I can safely say you're going to be alright, the bones will heal, you will learn to walk and you will have some pretty cool scars too!
You’re certainly going to have plenty of ups and downs but nothing you won't overcome and learn from. You see something like this happening it changes you, physically of course but also mentally and emotionally. You will learn to appreciate things you once took for granted. You can learn that every new day is a blessing and to be grateful for the little things.
Dad and Aimee will be by your side every day, they are going through so much and being so strong for you. They love you. They may seem a little overprotective now but give them a break and tell them you love them every chance you get.
I know it’s lonely on the ward and you can easily get lost in your thoughts. It's important to try and exercise your mind as well as your body so read some books, maybe look for an online course in something cool, you have always fancied learning a language - give it a try! But don't beat yourself up if you’re having a bad day because you will have a few!
Listen, I know that you’re strong and you can look after yourself, I know you don't think you need help but please ask for it, please let people help you. You don't have to suffer in silence, I know you don't want everyone worrying about you but you can talk and it will help. Talk to others who have been there, there are charities that can help and put you in touch with other amputees. It will be so refreshing to talk to others who have gone through this too, they get it.
So I know that right now you just want to recover and get life back to ‘normal’ go back to work and carry on where you left off. This is a great goal to have, but let me tell you that that ‘normal’ is gone now, and good riddance to it. This is your chance to appreciate life. Do more things that make you happy! This is almost like a second chance. You have survived a major trauma and that makes you lucky in my book!
It’s okay to be anxious about what lies ahead. Just know that you can and will handle whatever comes your way. You will form relationships and bonds with some amazing people and I hope you can cherish them and live a life that makes you proud to be you.
From Sam

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