I had just started a new job – one that was a culmination of hard work over the past 14 years.
I didn’t mind the 18-mile commute on my motorbike from Halifax to Leeds. I was just getting used to the route.
It was my fourth day in, and I was enjoying the ride on a clear morning.
That’s when a car pulled out of a side road and hit me.
I remember plastic and metal hitting me in the face. Thank God for good quality helmets. I rolled down the road before coming to a stop.
My leg felt like it was on fire. I picked it up and saw it flop around like it was made of jelly. Then blood began to pour out of my ripped Kevlar jeans and boot.
The paramedics and all the medical staff at the Major Trauma Centre in Leeds were fantastic.
But nothing prepared me for the word ‘amputation’.
They want to take my leg. All I could do was cry.
Day One Trauma Support was there for me.
They arranged for Peer Support Volunteer Bob Nottingham to visit me on the ward.
Bob had survived a crash. Bob was an amputee. Bob was now walking with a prosthetic.
He understood how I felt and was there to answer all my questions. He even demonstrated how he took off and put on his prosthetic. He was honest about the difficulties I would face.
I am so grateful for the help and advice I got during those early days in hospital. Having someone to talk to who understood exactly what I was going through was invaluable.

Bob was right. There were many difficulties ahead for me once I got home. Nearly five years later and I’m still going through a lengthy legal case, have had numerous medical setbacks, and issues with my prosthetics.
I am so lucky I had access to this support in Leeds. Which is why I am now training to become a Peer Support Volunteer – so I can help more people like me.
I also know that not every major trauma patient gets the support they need. This is why I’m determined to raise money so Day One can be there for more people across the UK.
If you’ve been inspired by Henry’s story, then please follow his blog for more details about his adventures and experiences as an amputee - https://www.thefurthestpoint.co.uk/
…we have a small favour to ask.
More people than ever need Day One’s support, but we don’t have the income to keep up with demand.
We’re determined to help people rebuild their lives after a catastrophic injury, wherever they are in the country.
If this page has inspired or moved you, please consider chipping in to help. We can achieve great things with you by our side, so please consider supporting Day One.
You can give as little as £1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you.